Wednesday, 23 December 2009

The synopsis saga

So the synopsis still isn't happening. I seem to be able to write other things, like the blogs, like responding to other people's blogs, but everytime I make an attempt to get the synopsis done I seem to freeze. Kapput! Mental shutdown in action. 

And I am finding this SSSSsooooo frustrating. I am getting so cross at myself. So: up early again. 'Do Synopsis' time. 

Nope. Not happening. Fiddling about doing other stuff instead.  

But a crack of daylight suddenly appeared when I was browsing through old Psychic Virgin files. Poking about in the rejected synopsis pile for that book, of which there are loads, I chanced to come one which could be borrowed by My Psychic Toolbox. A bit of reworking here and there, and it could work. 

With lashings of enthusiasm I copied and pasted the synopsis into my PT workfolder.

And then like the rain running off our brand new roof and gaily running into our brand new guttering and from thence into our brand new drainpipes, so my mental energies flowed away as well. Why is that? Why can't I do this flippin synopsis! 

So I thought I would have a moan into your ear, which always makes me feel better. But: I have managed to get the graphics for the front cover of PT started. They need to show some similarity to PV because they are part of a series of four, possibly five, books.

Blank page up. Into Autoshapes (can't do any posh graphic packages yet) a bit of a play around, and I think it's done, the central graphic that is. I like the way the flowers don't look quite right, sort of a little bit askew. Sort of like me really. And I didn't want to do the usual type of graphics which books of this genre normally have: either a photo of the author, with makeup intact if female, plastered across the front of it, or some etherial theme which would be totally out of place with me. 

The beauty of self publishing is that one can do what one likes with one's book. The less beautiful aspect is the accompanying frustration when one's mental faculties won't co-operate.

Ok. So moan over. 

Things I have learnt: ? 
Things I have NOT learnt: How to find those words which are at the moment being elusive. 
Things I HOPE to learn: everything!

Cheerio for now, and wishing you much joy and happiness, and oodles of creativity in whatever it is you are creating.

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