Thursday, 21 January 2010

The Introduction: My Psychic Toolbox

The introduction is put in the first section of the book, and needs to give the reader a flavour of what the book is all about. This I find hard to do, my first attempts usually being a description about the book which makes for a boring read. 

So: My Psychic Toolbox: have been stuck for the last few days with The Introduction. Have finished the editing of the Pdf downloaded from Lulu, just the intro to read. Oh direness set upon me as I found it to be dull. Couldn't get some sparkle into it at all, which was irritating in that I am nearly ready to upload to Lulu again. 

But: Yippeee! Woke up early this morning with the words: 'This is how it is for me when I am being psychic' and knew them to be the opening words. Launching myself out of bed I grabbed at a pen and paper and wrote those words down, knowing that they would evaporate away into nothingness if this wasn't done. Once dressed, straight onto the PC I went, and not allowing myself to deviate away into checking emails or Internet surfing,  into MPT I went and out the words came. Phew! 

I am not saying that I have done a fantastic job of The Intro, nor that I am a fantastic creator of words, but I am satisfied that I have done my best to reflect the book and that is all I can do. Upload to Lulu this afternoon, then onto the book cover stage. 

I find it useful to write this diary blog, because it pushes me on. Thanks for reading, and if you are a creator of words, or photos, or anything, then I hope your creative flow is at full speed today.

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